One of the many nice things about working for an influential, hip, advertising agency with
big name clients, is that cool musicians come and perform, just for us. Today
Regina Spektor brought her band and Steinway grand piano to play a set on the back patio. I skipped the line for the free ice cream sundaes so I could snag a spot close to the stage.

Too cool.
hell yeah!
If you could just find a way to pass on any future invitations you get of this nature, where Regina is playing on somebody's patio, and to get your good friend, Barth, in for the event, I will bring ice cream for you.
I promise.
How did the "audience" react to her fairly intense lyrics?
What did she play? And how long did she play for? Did you get a chance to talk to her?
And how did your advertising company get a hold of Regina??
Oh, you're sooo lucky!
She played about seven songs from her new album, then sang "Fidelity" for the encore. I didn't speak to her; she slipped right off the stage as soon as she was finished. And I never try to approach celebrities anyway ;-) Our agency frequently has musicians perform. I don't think we pay them; I think the artists want to showcase their work and possibly get used in an ad campaign. As soon as this event was announced I asked the organizer how he gets such great acts, and he replied, "You have to ask for what you want!" Yes, I'm lucky!
I am just curious about what the laid back California ad types though about lyrics about struggling to survive ("why we fight") or the meaning of God (when and when not to laugh at or with God).
Barth, most of my friends had either never heard of her, or only knew one song ("Fidelity", I guess it got some airplay on commercial radio). I discovered Spektor via Pandora and went on to buy her albums. The audience was pretty quiet, no hooting and hollering and dancing, like some musicians elicit. The only comments I heard after the show were along the lines of "Um ... wow". No specific feedback on lyrics.
Um, wow is sort of what I was looking for, frankly. I have the benefit of being the father of a 23 year old who knows what her Dad likes and tossed Soviet Kitsch in my direction when she was in college. I was hooked then, hooked more with the next album, Begin to Hope, then became almost hysterical waiting for Far after the duet with Ben Folds on his album.
But this one is so great and so intense, that I am anxious to see how others take it.
Thanks for the report. I am very jealous.
Whaaaaat? I ate a tin of tuna over my keyboard for my lunch break today! Wow.
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