Looking west.
Looking east.
My all-by-myself Australian vacation starts in a week.
I. can't. wait.
I have been giving a lot of thought to what, if any, technology I am going to take with me. While I love the idea of being able to update my blog frequently, I don't love the idea of lugging a laptop. I considered taking the iPad, but I'm not sure I'll have wireless internet in very many places. So I've decided to just take a lot of photos, keep a journal, and do a massive blog update when I get back. If I get the chance to update via someone else's computer, I will. Other than that, I'll just live in the moment and share the joys with you all on my return.
Have a wonderful time Hashi, you can find wireless most places these days but why be bothered, you can always log on somewhere, or just relax and have lots of fun. Looking forward to lots of sketches.
you can update at my place, we have two comps and wireless. I can't wait either!!!!!!!!!!
Have a fantastic time! I started taking journal notes about a year or two ago on vacations and am so grateful to have even better descriptions of all the sights, sounds, foods and feelings. It's amazing how quickly the details fade from memory, even with photographs and sketches!
Live in the moment and enjoy it all!
You won't be all-by-yourself for long (although I know what you mean). Almost every member of your family (sorry, Pete) will be vying for your company. I. Can't. Wait. Either. Only 8 more sleeps for me.
you are missed by me!
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