I happened to find myself downtown last week, not far from the fabric district, so of course I had to pop in and visit Michael Levine and Carmel.
Dana over at Made wrote about Carmel Fabrics just the other day, and got me jonesing for some linen. This shop is one of the little hole-in-the-wall places, where all the bolts are standing on their ends, and there is no cutting table. I announced I wanted to buy some linen (they only sell linen and silk) and this nice older man said, 'Very good price for you!"
"$7 a yard?" I asked.
He looked worried. "For you, $7.50. This good stuff, it's $12.99 a yard."
"My friend Dana says you sell it to her for $7 a yard."
He sighed. "OK, for you, $7 a yard."
So at that price, I had to buy 6 yards, right?
Around the corner at Michael Levine, I picked up some sweater knits for $5 a yard, and today I whipped up this:

I used
Katy's tutorial for her Billy cardi, cutting up an old tshirt to make the pattern. I am in love with knits! So easy, so forgiving! And I'm in love with the Billy cardi. I want one in every colour! This could well be my new winter uniform.

The brooch was given to me by Josh in lieu of an engagement ring. I absolutely love it, but rarely wear it, because I just don't have much it goes with. But now? I think it's going to get quite a bit of air this winter.