Some people continually tweak, rearrange, and beautify their surroundings. I am not one of them. Even though I'm a visual artist, I tend to zone out my physical surroundings fairly quickly, and stop noticing if something's ugly. But last night I was on a cleaning jag in the kitchen, which got me looking at the venetian blind above the sink. I decided that Josh was right, we really needed to do something else with the window treatment. So I dug through my fabric stash and found these appliquéd café curtains I bought at an op shop years ago. They fit the width just fine, but because they're short, they reveal the view completely, which left me staring at the empty shelf outside the window. So this morning I made a quick trip to the garden center for some drought-hardy colourful plants (previous experience has taught me that even Mediterranean herbs do not thrive on that baking window ledge). And now, wow. What a difference when you walk into the kitchen. I love it.
What room can I beautify next?
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