Monday, June 07, 2010

June 7

Between visits to Michael Levine and the FIDM Scholarship Store downtown, I took the girls to visit Josh on the Dexter set.

Karen was VERY impressed with his 40 ft truck. She wants one.

Josh explained some of the finer points of propping, including the operation of rigged handcuffs ...

... the joys of man-eating (or, in this case, woman-eating) alligators ...

... and the necessity of stocking a good variety of body parts. It's all in a day's work for Hollywood's 'blood guy'.

Yep, that's what my peace-loving, easy-going "other half" does for a living. Who'd a thunk it?

1 comment:

deb did it said...

blood AND Dexter never looked so good now that I have an "insight!"