Everyday Matters challenge 48 - "Draw something that represents your new year's goal or resolution". I was actually working out six days a week until Christmas Eve, when I hurt my back. So I know I can do it again, when I'm finally mended (SOON!). In the meantime I have taken up yoga, and I'm loving it.

One of the things I do to earn a quid is design and create props for TV shows and movies. I particularly enjoy designing liquor labels, so was pleased when I received this assignment. Look out for it in a blockbuster movie this summer!
Looks classy, elegant, yet kinda fun...nice! :)
Hey again...Are those pages from your journal/scrapbook? What's the technique you've used? Love the effect!
BEAUTIFUL collage! Love the combined sketches and color! And your label is GORGEOUS!
Love your sketches! And the journal pages. Great design!! And I'm fascinated by the wine label which I will be looking out for!! What a great way to earn money!
Great journal pages and wonderful soon-to-be-famous label that I now "knew when".....
What a cool job! Are you allowed to share what movies/ shows you are working on???
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