Since seeing this project in the Fall 2009 issue of
Stitch, I've been wanting to lay my hands on some
mudcloth. I looked online, but didn't want to pay what seemed like a lot of money when I couldn't see and feel what I was getting. But today I was taking Lauren to a dance academy near Leimert Park Village, home of many African American businesses, and it occurred to me to see what textiles were for sale there.

I hit the motherlode. After some good-natured haggling, I came away with three pieces of mudcloth (52" x 34", 43" x 26" and 63" x 25") for a total of $50. Actually, $50 and a hug. I threw that in to sweeten the deal. Yet another reason why I love living in a large, cosmopolitan city. Happy (African) dance!
Congrats on a nice price! Feel free to check out the offerings at www.CulturedExpressions.com. We have 30" x 40" pieces at just $25, and Mini-Cuts of 15" x 20" at just $8, good for small projects & creative experimentation. Each size comes in 4 colors...Happy Stitching!
wow - it's lovely.
beautiful!! My kitchen window valance is made of mudcloth, and pillows in my Living room. I love it!
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