Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29

Is this masculine? Josh says it's not. Damn. It's hard to make gifts for guys. I thought this would work for a manly toiletries bag, but Josh says maybe, maybe, if it was 1.5 times longer.

Got any bright idea for hand made guy gifts? If so I would love to hear them.


nettie said...

I understand that fleecy dressing gowns are a HUUUUGE hit!

Hashi said...

You know what? I made one for Josh's brother Nate, and mailed it to him a few weeks ago. Sadly, he had failed to let us know that he had moved to a new apartment. I am still waiting, hoping, that it will be returned to me so I can redirect it. That was a lot of work to get lost in the mail!!