Friday, June 06, 2008

June 6

Goofy Josh. He loves his job so much. I can't quite figure out whether I like the kids being exposed to this stuff. Does it eliminate any fear of images on the screen, because they know (from hands-on experience) that it's not real? Or does it just desensitize them to the idea of real-life horror? Are they likely to shrug at the thought or sight of a real severed limb, having played with fake ones? I don't know ...


Alison said...

I wouldn't like one of these in bed with me, however unreal they are!

nettie said...

Oh, I don't know. The one in the middle looks OK.

Tui Cook said...

Do you remember the nightmares I had after watching "the hitchhiker" from creepshow in the videoshop that time?

Dad comforted me by telling me that it was all fake and explaining movie makeup. It grounded me.

I think Their Dad's job would certainly desensitize toward "movie magic"
But Josh and his workmates work so hard to make it look so real...I am sure that the kids are sensible enough to realize this.