Three fire trucks and an ambulance on my street. Why? No idea.
What a month it has been. I've been through the whole gamut of states: achingly sad, wistful, peaceful, joyful, productive, creative, bored, energetic, lonely, tipsy, hurt, contemplative, chatty, hungry, relieved, and exhausted. I saw my daughter marry. I traveled to Texas. I spent quality time with friends. I painted and sewed and danced and gardened. I lost my car. I visited Home Depot more times than I care to count.

And I healed, more than a little. I learned more about myself, about my tender spots, and the things I hang on to, and the things I can let go. I woke each day with a goal of peace. It helped.
It's a journey, and I'm at last beginning to truly accept that this is my road to walk.