Friday, September 23, 2011

Being brave

Recently my company put out a call for art submissions for our annual music/art/fest. At the urging of some of my workmates, I overcame my fear and contributed a couple of pieces.

Last night was the party, and here are my works! I actually wasn't embarrassed by them after all! I got lots of positive feedback, which was lovely. But more than that, I felt they were at least as good as other works in the exhibition, and I was proud of them.

Don't know who wrote the blurb!

I don't know who wrote this blurb. I am not sure what a 'rustic emotion' is meant to be, lol. But hey, I'll take it :-)

I'm ready to paint (and exhibit) some more! This is fun!

1 comment:

deb did it said...

paint on are so very talented...and YES!!....your paintings ooze a sense of rustic emotion....I adore the one on my wall, she speaks to me daily.